Generating offers with the click of a button.

A quote generator for Viessmann dealers.


Viessmann is at the forefront of creating sustainable solutions for residential and commercial heating, cooling and power generation. To enable their local dealers to compete with the service level of big box solution providers, we created a customizable module to quickly allow individual dealers to deliver real-time online quotes, keeping them at the forefront of online dealmaking.

Can we quote you for that?

Viessmann dealers are able to configure an automated module that allows their local customers to generate a personalized quote for their project, based on a matrix of common solutions with set, but customizable, price points. Answering common sense questions leads to a first price indication before an in-person visit even takes place.

Offering insight

The step-by-step process makes sure potential customers get an insight into not only the costs of a prospective Viessmann installation by a particular dealer, but also into the larger technical details they might be expected to think about. All while remaining in the realm of their trusted dealer’s online presence.

Meaningful connection

The module is entrenched within other platforms we have built together with Viessmann to offer their dealers a seamless conversion funnel. From top level information on the zuiniger verwarmen platform to individual showcases on the dealersites and event solutions, alligence and Viessmann have created a meaningful connection.

Services rendered


Allow your customers to come home.

